
The Best Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills — Dr. Andrew Frankel!

Transform your profile with Dr. Andrew Frankel’s expert rhinoplasty services in Beverly Hills. Specializing in both aesthetic enhancement and functional refinement, our Beverly Hills clinic promises exceptional results. Dr. Frankel, a distinguished Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, skillfully reshapes your nose, ensuring it complements your unique facial features. Experience the art of rhinoplasty with a surgeon trusted for his precision and expertise in Beverly Hills.

Rhinoplasty Techniques


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Enhance Your Profile with Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty

Seeking a perfect harmony between your facial features? Rhinoplasty is more than just a plastic surgery procedure; it’s the key to unlocking self-confidence and breathing comfort. In Beverly Hills, CA, Dr. Andrew Frankel excels in reshaping nasal structures, ensuring that rhinoplasty patients walk away with a newfound appreciation of their own reflection.

Boosted Self-Esteem

Sculpt your nose to complement your features, ushering in a wave of renewed self-assurance.

Enhanced Breathing

Correct nasal structure defects for an unobstructed, comfortable breathing experience.

Permanent Results

With Dr. Frankel’s seasoned approach, enjoy long-lasting, impeccable transformations you’ll cherish for a lifetime.

Rhinoplasty Surgery

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that reshapes, augments or reduces the size of the nose for aesthetic or functional reasons.

A rhinoplasty, more commonly known as a nose job (or nose surgery), can help even out your facial features while addressing any functional issues like breathing difficulties or a deviated septum. This surgery will treat broken bones, breathing correction, or airway restrictions, potentially caused by a birth defect or accident. The goal is always to ensure an attractive nose that complements the rest of the facial features, correcting any asymmetry of the nose.

A surgical rhinoplasty aims to create a natural appearance while respecting the patient’s ethnic features and personal aesthetic goals, often through dorsal hump removal or the use of an open or closed rhinoplasty technique.

Rhinoplasty Consultation Surgery

The Rhinoplasty consultation

During the rhinoplasty Beverly Hills consultation with expert and board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Frankel, he will have an in-depth discussion with the patient about their goals, expectations, and any previous procedure(s). This is the perfect time to discuss any concerns about using a rib cartilage graft or questions about the alar cartilage.

The doctor will also conduct a pre-operative evaluation of the nose and the overall facial balance, and he may also use computer imaging. He will also discuss rhinoplasty expectations, results, methods, and risks, including the benefits of rhinoplasty and what to avoid after surgery.

As part of our consultation, Dr. Frankel will also discuss preparing for your procedure. As with any surgery, you should avoid certain medications, vitamins, and herbs beforehand as they can cause you to bleed more than normal. You should generally stop these 2 weeks before surgery.

Dr. Frankel will provide you with a list of these medications. Schedule a consultation today with Dr. Frankel, a facial plastic surgeon & rhinoplasty specialist in Beverly Hills.


My results are exactly what you had discussed with me and I have healed wonderfully.

I just wanted to say thank you for giving me “the nose I should have been born with!” I love it more and more everyday. You did such an amazing job.

  • Star full Star full Star full Star full Star full 5 stars
  • Dayna C., Los Angeles, CA

Are You the Right Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is more than a cosmetic change; it’s a step towards aligning your appearance with your self-perception and comfort. The ideal candidate for this transformative procedure typically includes individuals who:

  1. Seek Aesthetic Improvement: Whether it’s adjusting the size, shape, or symmetry of your nose, you desire a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance.
  2. Have Functional Concerns: You experience breathing difficulties or other functional nasal issues that can be corrected through rhinoplasty.
  3. Possess Realistic Expectations: Understanding the procedure’s possibilities and limitations is crucial. Our goal is to enhance your natural beauty while maintaining realistic outcomes.
  4. Are in Good Overall Health: Suitable candidates should be in good physical health to ensure the best healing and recovery process.
  5. Have Completed Facial Growth: Typically, this means individuals over the age of 16, as the nose should be fully developed before undergoing surgery.

If you resonate with these criteria, rhinoplasty might be an ideal solution for you. We invite you to schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and how we can help achieve your desired appearance.

Personalized Rhinoplasty: Tailoring Your Perfect Nose

Understanding that each individual’s facial structure is unique, we at [Your Clinic’s Name] specialize in personalized rhinoplasty. Our approach is not one-size-fits-all; we meticulously plan each surgery to harmonize with your distinct facial features. Whether you’re seeking to correct functional issues or enhance aesthetic appeal, our advanced techniques, including [mention any specialized techniques you use], ensure natural-looking results that respect your ethnic heritage and personal aesthetic goals. From subtle refinements to more significant reshaping, we’re committed to delivering outcomes that not only enhance your nose but also boost your overall self-confidence

Primary Rhinoplasty Procedure


*Each patient is unique and individual results may vary.

The Rhinoplasty Procedure

Before your nose reshaping surgery, Dr. Frankel will review your custom surgical plan with you. If you receive general anesthesia, you must refrain from eating or drinking after midnight the night before your surgery.

Other patients may only need local anesthesia with sedation and may be given other instructions.

Making the incisions in your nose

To start the rhinoplasty surgery, the doctor will make an incision either externally at the bottom of the nose or inside the nose.

Making the incision externally is known as the “open approach” and allows the doctor to gain better access and visibility when manipulating the structures within the nose. The small scar is the only downside of open rhinoplasty.

The “closed approach” involves incisions inside the nostrils, with no external cuts. This closed rhinoplasty may be appropriate for patients who only need small changes, but most surgeons favor the open approach for the best results.

Dr. Frankel will go over the surgical technique he plans to use for your procedure before the surgery to ensure you are fully informed and comfortable with the process.

Shaping the Nose

Once Dr. Frankel has made the incisions, he will separate the skin on the nose from the bone and underlying cartilage. Then, he will trim the bone and cartilage to create the desired shape. Additionally, the doctor may create cartilage grafts and place them to enhance the shape of the nose, and sometimes he will use a rib cartilage graft for this purpose. He will then close the incisions and put a splint in place to support the nose’s new shape while it heals.

Dr. Frankel, renowned in Beverly Hills for rhinoplasty, also addresses complex breathing issues through functional nose surgery. His expertise extends to a variety of nasal surgeries, ensuring personalized care for each patient. He knows how to improve or maintain nasal function when changing the shape of the nasal tissues.

A primary rhinoplasty will take an average of 1 to 2 hours. Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure, so patients can go home with a friend or family member after being cleared by the staff at the Lasky Clinic.

Differentiating Types of Rhinoplasty

Nasal Tip Rhinoplasty


Nasal tip rhinoplasty is a limited surgery focused on the tip of the nose. There are myriad ways of modifying the tip cartilage’s shape, and this can be done without involving any other nose parts if indicated. While the recovery from this more limited operation might be easier for the patient, refining a tip can be very challenging for the surgeon.

Reduction Rhinoplasty

Reduction Rhinoplasty

In rhinoplasty reduction, the surgeon may reduce the nose’s overall size, or he may make specific areas, like the tip, a hump, or a bump. He will often resize the nose by removing cartilage and/or bone from the nose to achieve the desired shape and size.

Augmentation Rhinoplasty

Augmentation Rhinoplasty

Occasionally, Dr. Frankel will need to build up a nose because it has been over-reduced with prior surgery or because of prior trauma or congenital issues. For augmentation of the nose, the doctor will use cartilage from the nasal septum, chest wall, or ear to add support, height, and projection. An augmented nose can be beautiful and natural-looking.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty


Ethnic rhinoplasty is when the goal of surgery is to improve the overall appearance of the nose while retaining the features unique to that person’s ethnic background. Specifically, anatomic relationships are associated with each ethnic group and relate to common aesthetic features. Dr. Frankel regularly sees a wide variety of patients from various backgrounds from all over the globe. Dr. Frankel has lectured on ethnic rhinoplasty at national medical conferences as an expert in this field.

Adolescent Rhinoplasty


The right cosmetic procedure performed at the right time can greatly impact a young person’s physical and emotional development and self-confidence. Dr. Frankel requires a consultation before a teen rhinoplasty, where he will assess the physical and emotional maturity of a teenager requesting surgery. Dr. Frankel is known for being honest with his youngest patients, discussing risks, recovery, and reasonable expectations.

Functional Rhinoplasty


Due to structural defects, a nose may need to be reshaped to function properly. Patients may be born with, develop, or acquire nasal defects that interfere with breathing, eating, or sleeping through an accident or physical confrontation.

Functional rhinoplasties are imperative for fixing a variety of nasal structural abnormalities or injuries.

If you have difficulty breathing through your nose, the functional advantage of rhinoplasty can be as dramatic as improving your appearance.

Revision Rhinoplasty


Revision rhinoplasty relates to nasal surgery that improves or corrects the outcome of a prior rhinoplasty. Because rhinoplasty is such a challenging procedure and healing is not 100% predictable, revisions are quite common, and often patients come to Dr. Frankel after having had several previous surgeries. Obtaining consistent results in revision cases requires a great deal of extensive experience and skill. Dr. Frankel appreciates the trust his patients have in him by choosing him as their surgeon. Dr. Frankel is renowned among the medical community for his revision rhinoplasty expertise.

Refinement Rhinoplasty


When a patient has never undergone nasal surgery, this type of surgery is called primary rhinoplasty.

Primary rhinoplasty is the best opportunity to deliver optimal results because the anatomy is undisturbed, and there is no scar tissue or missing cartilage.

Want to understand more about what to expect on the day of surgery?

What to expect on the day of Rhinoplasty surgery

Rhinoplasty Anesthesia

Rhinoplasty Anesthesia

Dr. Frankel performs the majority of all operations under the direction of a board-certified anesthesiologist, often involving twilight anesthesia without needing a breathing tube, ventilator, or paralysis. Even in surgeries taking several hours, the anesthetic is well tolerated, and patients wake up quickly feeling very good.

Day of surgery

Day of Surgery

The first 1 to 2 hours after rhinoplasty are spent in the recovery room on monitors and under the care of a registered nurse. Patients are transferred to private rooms once they are more awake, where their families or friends can join them. Once fully alert, patients can return home with postoperative instructions.

Pain management

Pain management

Rhinoplasty is typically not very painful, and most patients experience more discomfort than pain, particularly immediately after surgery while the local anesthesia is still working. While recovering at the clinic, patients may receive intravenous medications to stem any acute pain. Patients are discharged from the clinic with their prescribed medications.

Emotions management

Emotions management

You will likely feel various emotions before surgery: excitement, anxiety, fear, etc. It is normal to have some apprehension before any operation and, in particular, one that will change your appearance. If you are questioning things, Dr. Frankel suggests that you trust yourself and the time and effort you spent deciding to have surgery and choosing the best doctor.


From as long as a I can remember my deepest insecurity came from the shape of my nose. Always worried about how it looked from which angle my face turned, or the way the light touched it. With age this then only helped the introvert side of my personality flourish. Choosing to stay at home when my friends went out, or being very selective of who I spent my time with knowing they wouldn’t judge my nose the way I did. After coming of age and Dr.Frankel coming into my life I knew it was the right time to change the dark path that insecurity had taken me down. Dr. Frankel was the kindest, most generous and patient man I’ve met. He took the time with me to go over the 3D reconstructions of…

  • Star full Star full Star full Star full Star full 5 stars
  • Real Patient

What to expect after Rhinoplasty surgery

Swelling Post Operation

Swelling Post Operation

Following surgery, Dr. Frankel will place a splint on the nose, both for protection and to help it maintain its new shape. The nose will be moderately swollen and stuffy for several weeks, and the remainder of the swelling will gradually resolve for the next six to 18 months.

Hydration of your nose

Hydration of your nose

Sleeping with a humidifier can be helpful for the first two weeks after surgery. Once Dr. Frankel gives the go-ahead, use a nasal saline spray to help keep the inside of your nose moist. Using a saline spray will minimize your nose’s crust and make breathing easier.

Rest and exercise post-surgery

Rest and exercise post-surgery

Rest for the week after surgery and avoid excessive smiling or bending over. Most patients can drive a car and return to work and social activities after eight days. Avoid strenuous/extreme physical exercise for three weeks, as well as contact sports for eight weeks.

Average recovery time

Average recovery time

Every patient heals differently. If you notice that a particular behavior or activity is causing swelling, avoid that activity until you have healed. Physical recovery from nasal surgery is fairly quick, but the nose will not achieve its final form for well over a year and you can expect some bruising.

Navigating Your Rhinoplasty Recovery: A Smooth and Informed Journey

Post-surgery, patients typically experience swelling and bruising, which subsides over time. We provide detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. Most patients return to normal activities within a few weeks, with final results gradually appearing as the nose heals. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Immediate Post-Operative Period: In the first few days following surgery, it’s normal to experience swelling and bruising around the nose and eyes. We recommend rest and keeping your head elevated to minimize swelling.
  • Follow-Up Care: You’ll have a post-operative appointment to remove any splints or dressings and to check on your healing progress. This is a great time to address any questions or concerns you may have.
  • Returning to Normal Activities: Most patients feel ready to return to work and light activities within a week to ten days. However, strenuous activities and contact sports should be avoided for at least six weeks.
  • Long-Term Healing: While initial healing is relatively quick, the final shape of your nose will continue to refine over several months. Patience is key – the subtle changes and final results are worth the wait.
  • Personalized Recovery Plan: We provide each patient with a tailored recovery plan, including specific instructions on care, medication management, and tips to aid your healing process.

Remember, our team is here to support you every step of the way. Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities as you heal and reveal your new look.


Want to understand more about a procedure, terminology or just what to expect?

Possible Risks of Rhinoplasty Surgery

Because rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure, there are some risks involved. For most people, the risk is minimal, especially when a board-certified facial plastic surgeon specializing in rhinoplasty performs the procedure. Risks and complications may include:

  • Bleeding
  • Breathing problems
  • Unfavorable scarring
  • Changes in sensation
  • Infection
  • Poor aesthetic results
  • Anesthesia complications
  • Skin necrosis

Why Choose Dr. Frankel?

Dr. Andrew Frankel, board-certified in both ENT and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, brings over 20 years of specialized experience in rhinoplasty to his practice in Beverly Hills. Renowned for his expertise in both aesthetic and functional nasal surgeries, including complex cases like septoplasties and nasal valve adjustments, Dr. Frankel has a track record of successfully performing thousands of procedures. His approach is characterized by a continuous refinement of techniques, ensuring each patient receives personalized and effective treatment. Dr. Frankel’s commitment to excellence in rhinoplasty is evident in his dedication to achieving natural, harmonious results for his patients.

Can I Still Smoke After Rhinoplasty?

The impact of smoking on nose surgery can be significant. Smoking can hinder the body’s ability to heal properly, leading to complications such as poor wound healing and increased risk of infection. It is highly recommended to avoid smoking for a period of time both before and after rhinoplasty to ensure the best possible outcome.

Rhinoplasty Procedure FAQs