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  • Dealing With Pain After Your Facelift

    Dealing With Pain After Your Facelift

    When Beverly Hills facelift patients arrive for their consultation, many are concerned about how much pain will follow surgery and whether they will be able to manage it. While it may seem like facelift surgery should be an incredibly painful procedure, the truth is that most patients are surprised at how little discomfort they actually experience. The facelift…

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  • Do You Have Realistic Expectations for Rhinoplasty?

    Do You Have Realistic Expectations for Rhinoplasty?

    Planning your rhinoplasty seems pretty straightforward. You have an issue with your nose that you’d like to correct, so you seek out an expert facial plastic surgeon for an initial consultation. A date gets marked off on your calendar. It sounds easy enough, but that’s not all there is to it, especially not for you…

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  • Guide to Preparing for Your Facelift

    Guide to Preparing for Your Facelift

    Like any surgery, a facelift involves a lot of prior planning before your procedure date arrives. You may find yourself facing a long to-do list, filled with tasks to complete during the days and weeks that lead up to your surgery. Taking care of these preparations can help to ensure you have a smooth recovery…

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  • Changing Your Nose Through Reduction Rhinoplasty

    Changing Your Nose Through Reduction Rhinoplasty

    Many of us aren’t born with a perfectly sized nose. Noses that are too big are especially difficult, as they almost seem to take over your face, drawing attention away from your other features. Patients who have issues with their larger noses often complain about disproportion in their looks, frustration, and self-consciousness too. Typically, they…

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  • Quick Facts About Rhinoplasty After Nasal Injury

    Quick Facts About Rhinoplasty After Nasal Injury

    Rhinoplasty surgery isn’t always reserved for patients who wish to make cosmetic changes to their noses. More often than you might think, a nose job is performed to repair or reconstruct nasal damage after an injury or trauma. Such incidents can permanently change the shape and contour of the nose, affect your ability to breathe, and leave behind…

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  • Best Strategies to Reduce Post-Facelift Swelling

    Best Strategies to Reduce Post-Facelift Swelling

    When it comes to facial surgery, post-operative swelling can cause a lot of discomfort. While most patients experience a very minimal amount of pain, it can be uncomfortable to feel tightness and swelling around the mouth, chin, and jaw. While these responses are the natural way that the body responds to change, you don’t have…

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  • How Do Nose Piercings Affect a Rhinoplasty?

    How Do Nose Piercings Affect a Rhinoplasty?

    As both nasal surgeries and nasal piercings continue to be popular fashion trends for women and men, the two may sometimes find themselves at odds. Although nasal piercings now ranging in a variety of styles and shapes, any of them will pose extra risks during a rhinoplasty surgery if not managed carefully. If you are…

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  • Revision Rhinoplasty for a Pinched Tip

    Revision Rhinoplasty for a Pinched Tip

    Pinched Tip Problems While many natural aesthetic problems people try to resolve through rhinoplasty turn up again and again (such as nasal humps, uneven nostrils, saddle noses, or thick nasal skin), there are also a number of issues that can be caused by poorly executed primary rhinoplasty surgery. One of these issues, the pinched tip,…

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  • Black Eyes After Rhinoplasty

    Black Eyes After Rhinoplasty

    Recovering From Rhinoplasty Black eyes after nasal surgery are just one of those shocking outcomes that are difficult to avoid. Not every rhinoplasty patient will develop one or two black eyes, however, most do. It’s something a patient has to factor into their recovery equation. So, be prepared for some post-surgical bruising. Still, it’s not something one can easily…

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  • Depression after Rhinoplasty

    Depression after Rhinoplasty

    Nose job Beverly Hills is an elective cosmetic procedure that involves reshaping the nose for aesthetic purposes. While it may help improve self-confidence, depression can result in some individuals after this procedure. This article will discuss potential causes of depression after rhinoplasty as well as options for managing it. What is Depression Post-Surgery? It’s normal…

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